American Legion Post 735 Scholarships - $500.00
Provide a $500 cash award to be used as financial aid for a student related to a veteran.
Applicant must be a high school senior from a local high school
Applicant must be related to a veteran (i.e. father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt).
Applicant must have a minimum 2.5 grade point average.
1) Applicant must provide a cover letter that provides the following information:
- Full name, address and contact information (phone, email).
- Name of relative, short summary of relative's military background (branch, years, rank, etc.).
- A synopsis of extracurricular activities, including sports, clubs, activities, performing arts, community service, jobs, etc.
- Future plans, specifically including how applicant intends to utilize the scholarship.
2) Applicant must provide a transcript (copy is fine, doesn't not need to be notarized).
3) Applicant must provide an original essay. Essay should not exceed 2 pages (double spaced). The topic is to cover one of the following:
- What patriotism is and its meaning to the applicant.
- A person the applicant views as a hero and why.
Entries must be submitted by April 15th.
Entries can be dropped off at the Post 735 office (if open), mailed to the Post (207 Robins Rd, Hiawatha, Iowa 52233), or submitted electronically as attachments via email to
Scholarship Administration
1. Only one $500 scholarship will be awarded per year.
2. A committee of three Post 735 members will review and rank all submissions.
3. The committee will determine by majority vote, the winning submission.
4. The winner will be notified by Post 735 and publicly recognized by Post 735.